Support families with Solvatten


Occasion Gift Card Collection

One in eight people in the world live without access to clean water. In our web shop, you can find our Occasion Gift Card Collection which makes it easy for you to be a part of the solution. For corporate gift giving, for Christmas, Chanukah or loved ones birthdays and graduations, you can help ensure that Solvatten Solar Safe Water Systems are delivered to deserving families throughout the world. 



Solvatten’s treatment system helps reduce the risk of waterborne disease, as well as lung-related disease caused by burning firewood and charcoal to treat water. As a result, more children are attending school and women are empowered to find work outside the home.  Also, the increased uptake of thermal solar and reduced household dependence on firewood and charcoal enables the environment and forests to recover.


Together we can ensure that more families have access to safe and hot water at home – in a portable and environmentally friendly way.


Check out the gift card selection in our store!