Co-lab: Shipping that improve the lives of millions

Did you know that more than 2 billion people in the world still live without safely managed drinking water? For the sixth year in a row, Hecksher stands as a proud transportation partner to Solvatten. This co-lab aims to help millions of people avoid walking long distances daily to collect water and firewood, reducing the risks of not having safe drinking water at home.

Hecksher: A proud partner to Solvatten since 2018

Over the years, Hecksher has provided Solvatten with freight and transport solutions by sea and land as well as project support. In the past couple of years, we have embarked on multiple shipping adventures, bringing Solvatten’s life-changing units to remote corners where families need them most. At Solvatten’s production site in Sweden, units are loaded onto trucks and set the stage for their sea voyage to countries such as Uganda and Kenya.

With Hecksher, we always feel confident that we can deliver Solvatten kits to remote locations all over the world. By ensuring the efficient transportation of Solvatten kits, Hecksher has enabled more people to have access to safe, hot water. This has led to improved life and health outcomes for thousands of familiessays David Wadström, responsible for Marketing & Fundraising at Solvatten.

Efficient shipments by sea to minimise the carbon footprint

When transporting the Solvatten kits we need to maximise every inch of container space, leaving no cubic meter behind. We are not just about delivering goods but also reducing empty miles, cutting emissions, and minimising the environmental impact with every transport.

– We want to ship as many as possible via sea freight to minimise the carbon footprint of all our activities. The support we get from Hecksher helps us mitigate some of the worst effects of climate change by securing access to safe drinking water.  We are grateful for our partnership with Hecksher. Their support has been crucial in helping us achieve our mission of providing safe hot water to those in need. Access to quality water is central to life at all times, and we look forward to continuing this important work together, says David.

A shared vision for a more sustainable and better world

Solvatten’s partnership with Hecksher began in 2018 through a collaboration with the Greencarrier Group and its CSR initiative, aimed at promoting environmental and social sustainability. This partnership has flourished, and Hecksher is now serving as Solvatten’s exclusive logistics partner.

“We are dedicated to helping Solvatten reach vulnerable communities, contributing to a vision of a world where everyone has access to safe, clean, and warm water”, says Niklas Olsson, CEO of Hecksher. 

Do you also want to make a difference for people, the environment, and climate? 

Contact us today! 

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