Neglected Tropical Diseases are a group of diseases which affect billions of individuals worldwide, most of which are amongst the poorest and most vulnerable and live in areas with inadequate water and sanitation. The lack of such facilities not only imposes an immense burden on those individuals directly, but also provides a breeding ground for the numerous diseases which continue to further afflict these communities.
Almost 24% of the worlds population are infected with soil-transmitted helminth (parasite) infections worldwide. Soil-transmitted helminth infections are caused by different species of parasitic worms and they are transmitted by eggs present in human faeces, which contaminate the soil in areas where sanitation is poor. The effects are the worst for Infected children that become physically, nutritionally and cognitively impaired.
Ease the burden
Improvement in water and improved hygiene and improved sanitation provision can make the most important contribution towards better health by breaking transmission cycles, eradicating the breeding grounds for dangerous pathogens and providing the opportunity for overall economic and social development. To ease the burden and reach the most vulnerable groups effected knowledge, methods and tools will all be needed. The Solvatten solution benefit families not only with safe water but also with warm water which is key since the best know preventional method is interpersonal hygiene.