Since 2010 Kiberan residents in Nairobi have used a house hold devise that treat and heat water using solar energy. This new Swedish product called SOLVATTEN runs on solar light alone and provides safe and warm water for a family and both reduces emissions as well as responds to the impacts of climate change. Reports from Institute and Water, IEW shows that residents has now halved the cost for fuel to acquire safe and warm water.
Replacing charcoal with solar
Charcoal is a major cooking fuel in the area, but the increasing scarcity of wood and stricter government regulations have caused the price of charcoal to soar. The price of charcoal nearly doubled in the past years, and now a typical family can spend a shocking 30-50% of its income on cooking fuel alone. The technology has since the start proved to be a popular tool for the residents of Kibera to make considerable savings at a house hold level. The residents report improved hygiene with improved health as result.
Saving trees
Calculating the impact of the initiative considering the reduction of the beneficiaries charcoal consumption, the findings are remarkable. The total scope of 2 500 families can now save charcoal at the equivalent of 35 trees during the estimated life time of the device. This adds up to 1’800 acres of productive forest that, in the interest of both the urban and rural population should remain.
Making business from sunshine
The initiative had a strong socio-economic component and provided the beneficiaries with the opportunity to engage in income generating activities through selling subsidised “SOLVATTEN”. All the beneficiaries have contributed towards the costs, and the sellers of the technology receive a commission for each sale.The project has in its last phase involved a rural organization, RINCOD to expand the distribution network. By improving well-being and income opportunities for the rural poor, migration from the countryside to the urban slums may be avoided.
Learn more about the initiative here:
An event will take place in the presence of users of the technology, IEW, RINCOD, KWAH, representatives from Solvatten and the ministry of Public Health and Sanitation Kenya the 16th of August.
If you would like to attend the event at the Methodist Guest House Nairobi.
Please confirm you participation to the contact provide below by the 14rd Day of August 2012 to Mr. Geoffrey Kimiti on: Tel: 020 387 1364/0721353464; Email:
We look forward to your participation!