Wishing you a summer of many sunny stories

As the summer holidays are approaching in Sweden we can look back at a semester filled with ups and downs. Most of all the war on Ukraine has affected and is still affecting, us all on a personal, national and global level.

Among the positive things, we have seen is the willingness to get together and contribute to the people most affected by what is going on in the world. For Solvatten our visit to Uganda was really inspiring where we witnessed how Solvatten is making a real difference in many people’s lives. We are also happy that the Solvatten Charitable Foundation Sweden has been approved as a holder of a 90-account. Moreover, we have seen civil society making joint efforts to advocate for climate justice in an impressive way at Stockholm +50.

Since the start of this year, Oliwer Wadström has taken the role of CEO at Solvatten while Petra Wadström is active as Senior Advisor. Next semester we are looking forward to many exciting things such as the launch of our ambassadorship “Solvatten Friends”, new projects in Yemen and the Philippines, as well as the continuation of already existing projects and partnerships.

The Solvatten office in Stockholm will be closed from the 4th of July to the 5th of August. We would like to thank all of the supporters of Solvatten, for making our work possible and we wish you all a summer of many sunny stories.