Science Say Atmosphere Needs CO2 Reductions

The urgency of reducing climate pollutions

Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) approve of the use of offsetting for Scope 3 emissions. A good thing for innovation and climate financing to activities that makes real impact such as the Solvatten Gold Standard climate project in Kenya.

The Water Challenge; ain´t no mountain high enough?

IN DEPTH The water challenge: ain´t no mountain high enough? A personal experience of how the world transforms under climate change.  This is Solvatten; where technology meets purpose and long-term benefits, human intervention, bravery, creative energy, and dreams of a better world. “ Meet-Up” is a series of meetings that we want to share to […]

Interview with Andri Snaer Magnason, author of the book ”On Time and Water”

IN DEPTH Interview with Andri Snaer Magnason, author of the book ”On Time and Water” The Icelandic author Andri Snær Magnason discusses his book On Time and Water with Solvatten to better understand and engage with the rapidly accelerating ecological crisis. In recent years, Iceland has witnessed the melting of its largest glacier. We at Solvatten seek new deep narratives […]

Giving Tuesday – Join Solvatten in The Global Campaign

DONATION Giving Tuesday – Join Solvatten in The Global Campaign The widespread global movement ”Giving Tuesday” is coming up on Tuesday, November 30, 2021. Giving Tuesday is a popular international generosity movement that puts commitment at the center and focuses on the positive efforts put into improving our society. The campaign started as a response to […]

The Future is in our hands

The urgency of reducing climate pollutions

IN DEPTH Reason For Renewable Water Once again, leading actors and heads of state have gathered to discuss the climate. Significant issues are being addressed during the UN Climate Week in New York, and some of these are the world’s need for renewable energy and technology that can accelerate the transition to a sustainable world. […]

Interview with Parul Sharma about a book release and climate just solutions

IN DEPTH Interview with Parul Sharma about a book release and climate just solutions Solvatten: You are the author of the book ”Your Agenda 2030”. Congratulations!   Parul Sharma: Many many thanks!   Solvatten: Why did you write it and who should read it?   Parul Sharma: Because sustainable development is or should be every […]

Covid-19, Climate and Gender Equality

ENVIRONMENT AND HUMAN RIGHTS Covid-19, Climate and Gender Equality During the past year, Covid-19 has changed our habits, relations, work conditions, and way of living. Around the world, people suffer socially and financially due to limitations and restrictions in our everyday life. However, we must not forget the effects on the most vulnerable groups and […]

Petra Wadström nominated Swedish Environmental Hero

Petra Wadström

THE INNOVATOR BEHIND SOLVATTEN Nominated Swedish Environmental Hero Each year, the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet shares stories about everyday heroes who have somehow showed great civil courage, support and compassion for other human beings and nature. Among these, a jury later nominates seven ”Swedish Heroes” in different categories: citizen of the year, environmental hero, care hero, life saviour and youth heroes.    […]

The Impact of 10,000 Solvatten Units – a virtual pilot

VIRTUAL PILOT What is the impact of 10,000 Solvatten units? When crisis hits, it is necessary to set priorities. Innovative solutions such as Solvatten can save lives in both the short-, medium- and long-term. For countries that want to increase preparation for nation-wide natural disasters while providing a longer-term viable solution for disaster-struck areas or […]