Solvatten to Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya

GIVE WATER, SAVE LIVES Solvatten to Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya Church of Sweden and the aid agency Lutheran World Federation (LWF) are launching   Solvatten in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya. The goal of the project is to reduce environmental degradation by enabling people to use alternative sources of energy in the camp and […]

Carbon finance enables Solvatten to reach more families

Solvatten News Carbon finance enables Solvatten to reach more families Nu lanserar Solvatten och U&We sitt samarbete. Solvatten renar och värmer vatten med hjälp av solens energi. Därmed ersätter Solvatten ved och fossila bränslen vilket reducerar skogsavverkning och koldioxidutsläpp. Nu kan köp, distribution och användning av Solvatten bli finansierat genom företags och privatpersoners klimatinvesteringar. Solvatten […]

Solvatten at Stockholm Water Week

GIVE WATER, SAVE LIVES Solvatten at Stockholm Water Week “Resilience and DRR in WASH systems (water sanitation & hygiene) – Post disaster emergency & conflict situations”   Co-Organised by the cluster group for water and DRR at SIWI + WASH & RESCUE research project (Stockholm Environment Institute)   When: August 29th, 8.30 -12.30   Where: […]

Ge bort rent vatten i jul – en meningsfull julklapp till anställda och partners

By using Solvatten, smoke inhalation and emissions from burning fuelwood decrease

GIVE WATER, SAVE LIVES Ge bort rent vatten i jul – en meningsfull julklapp till anställda och partners Inför julen 2012 presenterar Solvatten och Fair Unlimited ett julklappserbjudande riktat mot företag och organisationer. Syftet med erbjudandet är att påminna om bristen på rent vatten i världen och samtidigt få oss i Sverige att uppskatta det […]

Solvatten: Purifying Water with Sunlight

Jaqueline and her baby demonstrates the use of their family's Solvatten

GIVE WATER, SAVE LIVES Solvatten: Purifying Water with Sunlight A Swedish portable household water purifier makes unsafe water drinkable using solar energy. Solvatten can produce 22-33 liters of clean, drinkable water when exposed to two to six hours of sunlight. This specially designed container uses heat, UV light, and a built in filter to clean […]

UN Habitat reporting from Mali

GIVE WATER, SAVE LIVES UN Habitat reporting from Mali Initial results from the UN Habitat and Solvatten project in Bamako Mali shows a 60% drop in charcoal costs for families using Solvatten to treat and heat their water. This in combination with the savings of around 2-3 USD per week from buying treated water before […]

Solvatten has been nominated for 2012 Katerva Award

Solvatten News Solvatten has been nominated for 2012 Katerva Award We are proud to announce that Solvatten has been nominated for 2012 Katerva Award!   Introduction to the Katerva Award with information from the website:   ”Katerva identifies the best ideas on the planet and accelerates them toward impact at the global level. Measuring sustainability is […]

Peta Wadström receives prize from Soroptomists

Solvatten News Peta Wadström receives prize from Soroptomists President of the Unions, Anita Westerström together with Petra Wadström, Founder and CEO of Solvatten.   Soroptimist International is a worldwide service organisation for women. They are committed to a world where women and girls together achieve their individual and collective potential, realise aspirations and have an […]

Superlative Conspiracy No.2

GIVE WATER, SAVE LIVES Superlative Conspiracy No.2 Solvatten is featured in the new issue of the Superlative Conspiracy. Check it out! Explore Collaborations

EcoArki, official representative of Solvatten in Peru

GIVE WATER, SAVE LIVES EcoArki, official representative of SOLVATTEN in Peru Solvatten is pleased to announce that it has signed a distribution agreement for the Country of PERU with ECOARKI SAC to expand the reach of Solvatten starting with the rural and disadvantaged districts of TIQUILLACA, VILQUE and MAÑAZO in PUNO, PERU. This new partnership […]