DropBox and Solvatten

DROP BOX AND SOLVATTEN Bringing Moonshots Back To Earth Written by Drew Pearce For DropBox. This piece was published first on DropBox website. See the original here Using solar power to provide clean water In the early 90s, Swedish inventor Petra Wadström and her family were living in Australia when she had an epiphany inspired […]

“Water brings people together” – A partnership with Folkpool

Creating Better Days WATER PARTNERSHIP Folkpool and Solvatten Water is an element that brings people together and we love to partner with organizations and companies that are committed to water.   One example is the Swedish company Folkpool, a distributor of pools and spas. Since 2018, Folkpool has promoted an offer that with every pool […]

Solvatten in Uganda – Improved health and COVID-19 response

Aiding refugee settlements and their host communities IMPROVED HEALTH AND COVID-19 RESPONSE PLAN International and UNHCR in Uganda After several years of experience working in Uganda, our current partnerships with PLAN International and UNHCR are focusing on children’s rights, education and WASH activities within the ongoing Covid-19 response.  As one of the world’s least developed […]

Climate Project in Kenya

Saving Lives and Trees SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Climate project in Tharaka-Nithi, Kenya More than one billion people live without access to safe water and electricity. In Kenya alone, 15 million people lack access to safe water in their homes. This negatively impacts health, education, equality, and the environment. Safe water improves living conditions […]

Soroptimists International

SOROPTIMISTS AND SOLVATTEN Sisters around the world The Soroptimists work to improve the lives of women and girls in more than 60 countries. The member organisation are women in professions and business who work together at local, national and international levels to educate, empower and enable women and girls with an aim to improving their […]

The Impact of 10,000 Solvatten Units – a virtual pilot

VIRTUAL PILOT What is the impact of 10,000 Solvatten units? When crisis hits, it is necessary to set priorities. Innovative solutions such as Solvatten can save lives in both the short-, medium- and long-term. For countries that want to increase preparation for nation-wide natural disasters while providing a longer-term viable solution for disaster-struck areas or […]

What Really Matters: COVID-19

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Reduce the transmission The COVID-19 pandemic forces change everywhere. The way we deal with changes now will have impact on many lives and the future. Easy access to hygiene and safe water is key to disease prevention. Solvatten is uniquely positioned to help.   NGOs and government health organizations can mitigate the impact of the virus in urban as […]

Preventing Cholera in Kakuma, Kenya

In Kakuma, Kenya resource-related conflicts lead to limited access to water, malnutrition, and starvation. Solvatten is delivering cleaner water and improved quality of life for residents.

Solvatten at COP25 in Madrid

2019 A STATE OF EMERGENCY Solvatten at COP25 in Madrid It is a crisp evening in the streets of Madrid. Thousands of people from around the world are here, lobbying governments and decision-makers to turn their pledges on climate change adaptation into urgent action. The crowd is less than five kilometers from the UN Climate […]

Interview with Petra Wadström

Video: DESIGN STORIES Carl Johan Engberg/Stavfel Produktion 2018. At the Swedish Nationalmuseum 13 oktober 2018 – 17 februari 2019 Interview with Petra Wadström It is a chilly morning in Stockholm. Here, from a small, very cosy office, Swedish microbiologist and artist, Petra Wadström (1952), skypes daily with NGOs and governments from all over the world. Petra is […]