PETRA WADSTRÖM WINNER Änglamarkspriset Petra Wadström, inventor of Solvatten winner of the prestigious Swedish Änglamark prize. Jurys motivation: Solvatten is an easy to use solution to a global problem. Access to safe water is scarce and brings hardship for people every day, mainly women. Using Solvatten benefits the woman in many ways as she will […]
Solvatten News at Swedish TV4
GIVE WATER, SAVE LIVES Solvatten News at Swedish TV4 Solvatten on Swedish TV4 the 6th of June, the national holiday of Sweden. Explore Collaborations
UN Habitat and Solvatten in Mali
MALI UN Habitat and Solvatten The world community has pledged to reduce by half the proportion of the global population without sustainable access to safe drinking water by 2015 (UN Millennium Development Goal 7) and Solvatten projects are contributing to this. UN Habitat is starting a solar water pasteurization project to provide safe drinking water and warm […]
FIELD TRIP WITH SOLVATTEN WSP employees and Solvatten team WSP have sponsored Solvatten since 2010. Now Solvatten is a showcase for WSP for how design can adress the issue of access to safe and hot water at home – in a portable and environmentally friendly way. WSPs employes have been participating in a lottery to […]
Sahara Convoy
GIVE WATER, SAVE LIVES Sahara Convoy Emmaus is driving a convoy of ambulances with medical supply and Solvatten to the Red Crescent in Tindouf, Algeria. The convoy will leave Ask in Sweden the first of May. Follow the feed on twitter or the event on facebook. http://www.saharaconvoy.com/om-projektet/resvaegen http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=170265896355818 Explore Collaborations
Solvatten nominated for the Globe Sustainability Innovation Award 2011
Solvatten News Solvatten nominated for the Globe Sustainability Innovation Award 2011 Three remarkable innovators have been nominated for the Globe Award Sustainability Innovation Award 2011. The Innovation Award − one of four categories of the Globe Award 2011 − is given for original innovations which successfully contribute to increased knowledge on sustainability. Globe Award is […]
Swedish Institute Innovation Tour
I INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY Swedish Institute Innovation Tour Once again Solvatten has been named as one of the ”hottest innovations”. The Swedish Institute, Sweden’s leading globalisation agency, has selected Solvatten as one of the top innovations which Sweden is today offering to the world. From 201 nominations the 20 most promising were selected by a panel of experts […]
A bottle on every table
Solvatten news A bottle on every table Sweden’s most prestigious department store, NK (Nordiska Kompaniet) is currently hosting a promotion for Solvatten. Rum:117 has brought together Solvatten, a bottle manufacture and Vi Agroforestry, to enable shoppers to support the scaling-up of the Solvatten Project in Bungoma, Kenya. From 16th February specially-designed glass water bottles are […]
CSR with Swedish company Middagsfrid
Give Water – Save Lifes CSR with Swedish company Middagsfrid The Swedish company Middagsfrid have made a substantial contribution to Solvatten by investing 10% of their 2009 profit in voluntary carbon emission reductions. Middagsfrid is taking the lead and challenges larger companies to do the same. Providing this solution is a way to achieve both […]
Design Nu Award
DesignNu DESIGN HALL STOCKHOLM Solvatten is DesignNu In conjunction with the opening of a new Swedish Design Hall in Stockholm, Petra Wadström has been honored for Solvatten. The jury stated: ”Solvatten treats water with the energy of the sun. The user-friendly product is ingeniously designed to treat, heat and store water. Solvatten sets an example […]